Research and Development


e.RATIO è un Organismo di ricerca privato, regolarmente iscritto alla Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche, con codice:

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The experience in IoT systems for the interaction between devices and software applications and the skills in GIS and Web-GIS have allowed us to carry out projects in the field of intelligent agriculture and environmental monitoring.


We have gained experience in developing digital services for health and medical care using the latest technologies to improve activities such as prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as monitor and manage health and lifestyles

Cultural Heritage

With experience in the development of technological systems of Augmented Reality, Virtualization of paths, and Social Entertainment, we are involved in projects to enhance our historical and cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible.

Some of our projects

Reward food

The project develops an analytical model that, given the quantity of wastes in the dairy supply chain, allows for the identification of the possible transformers interested in their transformation.

Carbond bc

Certification of ecosystem services and enhancement of agri-food supply chain products through Blockchain technologies and the CARBOND tool. The CARBOND platform represents an innovative tool for assessing environmental sustainability and ecosystem services during the cultivation phase (field phase). The project primarily aims at certifying the CARBOND tool […]


The goal is to create an advanced web-based tool that, through the combination of mathematical models and data collected from the field through probes, can independently manage the irrigation phases and can quickly provide nutritional recommendations on tree crops in the field. open. IRRIGATION Meteorological, pedoclimatic, cultural data and soil moisture [...]


Riu.S.A. (Reuse of Food Waste) proposes to develop a Decision Support System for the management and optimization of the fruit and vegetable supply chain which, through the implementation of a web platform, allows to minimize agri-food "waste". The web platform will allow the assignment of the waste to the best recipient of the second transformation. The platform will be provided with a retroactive mechanism that will allow [...]


Il sistema consta di: Un APP Mobile progettata “intorno” al paziente nefrologico, che assiste lo stesso in tutti gli aspetti più importanti della vita quotidiana post‐trapianto.Una Web APP dedicata al personale medico, che fornisce un valido strumento agli specialisti per poter monitorare in maniera costante il paziente, del quale sono riportati tutti i dettagli clinici […]


The CARBOND tool, thanks to WebGIS technologies and the use of a complex simulation model such as APEX, developed by the Blackland Research & Extension Center of Texas A&M University, simulates and quantifies the following ecosystem services on agricultural soils: Change in organic carbon stock in the soil Regulation of the water cycle Regulation of the nutrient cycle

ViSTA – Virtual and Social heritage Tour Application

The ViSTA project develops, on the sites managed by the Polo Museale of Puglia, an integrated technological system for virtual and social touring of the Apulian artistic and cultural heritage. It is an Integrated software application, because it involves and integrates a series of technologies from Web-GIS, to photo stitching for the 360 ° effect, to social communities. Virtual, because it allows [...]

Live Cardio

Integrated software application for the real-time transmission of information and clinical data for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes as well as for the subsequent remote control of patients and for the monitoring of many pathologies and / or chronic conditions. The system consists of the following technological components: Light and compact mobile biomedical device equipped with [...]


The research and development activities carried out mainly concerned: the visual and interactive experience with the development of software components dedicated to enriching the sensory impact through the design and development of augmented reality technologies, virtual environments and 3D animations; productivity and intelligent automation through the creation of a semantic software component whose [...]

RU.T.E.S. - Rural Innovation Open System

Promote and make all information regarding regional, national and community policies easily accessible. Thanks to an open data system based on technology solutions in CLOUD mode, the platform offers an integrated and all-encompassing system that promotes and makes all information regarding regional, national and community policies and guidelines easily accessible [...]


The Prometeo Community web forum allows the sharing of information system rules for decision support between doctors, test laboratories and researchers, through integration with the expert validation system for laboratory results.
© 2021 e.RATIO. Iscritta al registro aziende della Camera di Commercio di Bari con numero REA BA-507538 | P.IVA: 06755470728 | Capitale sociale: € 12.000,00 i.v.