Research and Development


Applicazione Web & Mobile Progettata “attorno” al paziente nefrologico

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Type of Project

Experimental Development


  • Apuliabiotech
  •  e.RATIO
  • Brain Tech
  • COM
  • University of Bari

Performed activity

Design and development of the Web APP dedicated to medical personnel


RE * NE * W is a project proposed as a new model to manage and increase therapeutic adherence by kidney transplant patients in response to the needs expressed by the Puglia Regional Transplant Center.

The goal is to encourage greater therapeutic compliance by the kidney transplant patient, as this means obtaining a series of benefits such as: lower possibility of developing complications associated with the disease, lower risk of hospitalization, greater safety and efficacy of treatments, reduction of costs for therapies.

Intervention is co-financed under the POR Puglia FESR-ESF 2014-2020 - Axis I - Action 1.4.b "Support for the generation of innovative solutions to specific problems of social relevance" - Innolabs Call "Support for the creation of innovative solutions aimed at specific problems of social relevance "

The system consists of:

Un APP Mobile progettata “intorno” al paziente nefrologico, che assiste lo stesso in tutti gli aspetti più importanti della vita quotidiana post‐trapianto.
Una Web APP dedicata al personale medico, che fornisce un valido strumento agli specialisti per poter monitorare in maniera costante il paziente, del quale sono riportati tutti i dettagli clinici fondamentali per un continuo e completo follow‐up.
Un’applicazione per smartphone progettata “intorno” al paziente, che assiste lo stesso in tutti gli aspetti più importanti della vita quotidiana post‐trapianto.


© 2021 e.RATIO. Iscritta al registro aziende della Camera di Commercio di Bari con numero REA BA-507538 | P.IVA: 06755470728 | Capitale sociale: € 12.000,00 i.v.